Mailbox Replacement Policy


I.  Intent

The intent of this policy is to establish a uniform process to reimburse citizens for mailbox damage due to snow removal operations performed by the Town.

II.  Shared Responsibility

The Town's primary obligation is to ensure that its roadways are kept free of snow and ice. It is also understood that most mailboxes are located inside the public right of way, and therefore, damage to them is often unavoidable for various reasons,  Therefore, this policy assumes there is a shared responsibility between the Town and homeowner when mailboxes are damaged during snow removal operations.

III.  Damage resulting from discharged snow

The Town is not responsible for mailbox damage from snow being discharged by snow removal equipment.  Homeowners erecting a mailbox or post in the public right of way shall:

Position the post at least 4 feet back from the traveled portion of the right of way.

Position the mailbox 42 inches above the ground.

Ensure that the mailbox and post are constructed to withstand being hit by snow discharged by snow removal equipment.

IV.  Damage resulting from contact with Town equipment.

When the damage to a mailbox or post is alleged to be the result of direct contact with Northfield's snow removal equipment, the following steps will be taken"

The Highway Superintendent will inspect the mailbox/post to determine the cause of the damage.

The Highway Superintendent will determine who is at fault (improper installation of mailbox, or Northfield Town employee error).

If the Highway Superintendent concludes that the damage is the result of the actions of a Northfield employee, the Town shall either repair the damage or replace the mailbox and/or post.  If they Highway Foreman concludes that the damage is the result of improper installation or maintenance then the homeowner shall be responsible for repair and/or replacement costs.

The homeowner shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Highway Superintendent to the Northfield Board of Selectmen, whose decision shall be final.