Copying Public Records Policy


In order to maintain the integrity of the public records entrusted to Northfield Town Officials:

No records will be removed from town hall for any reason by anyone other than a town employee or official using the records in the execution of his/her official duties or upon the authority of a superseding governmental entity.

Citizens shall be entitled to copies of town records, such copies to be prepared by town staff at the earliest possible opportunity, at a cost of $1.00 per page.

If a citizen requests a copy of a town record of a size that cannot be copied at town hall, the citizen shall request the copy from town hall staff.  The staff person shall, within 48 hours, make the requested copy.  The citizen shall be charged the cost of the copy plus a $10.00 fee to cover the cost of taking the document to Staples for copying.

Adopted by the Northfield Selectboard on April 9, 2008
Amended by the Board of Selectmen on September 29, 2015